

Presently, membership means being on ourEmail list

We have been grantednon-profit non-profit status, 501(c)3bythe IRS. This allows us to apply for grants to make further improvements in drainage on the Nordic and Backcountry trails. The ditching and culverts installed last fall on Maple Loop and Broadway are an example of the work we wish to continue.

This will be a low budget organization. All work is done by volunteers without compensation. VLT has generously covered our filing fees for the State and IRS fillings. VTFP&R is generously donating lumber to make trail signs. There are modest fees associated with this website, but those have been covered by donations. We are not charging a membership fee. We are now applying for grants to further improve the trails. These will require some matching funds. Ann will send an email to the group soliciting donations to raise the required funds.

One final thought, if you look at theBackcountry Map, you will see that the lower portions of Gardiner’s Lane, North Slope and many other trails were not included in the VLT purchase. Nor was any flat land which could be used as a parking lot. A thought is to have a future fund drive to add this land. It would be leased back to Bolton Valley Corp just like the recently conserved land, but by purchasing this we would insure continued access to these trails and parking. Of course before proceeding with this, we would have much more discussion with the Friends, and would seek to once again have Vermont Land Trust organize the fund raising as they are the experts in this.