These documents may also be accessed from the pull down menu “Historical Docs” which appears on the menu bar near the top of all pages
Historical Images. Images of Bolton and Bryant Lodge from the GMC archives
Who was Edward Bryant? Ann Gotham digs into the beginnings of Bolton Backcountry
1930 Article in Worchester Telegram Describes a hike along the Long Trail. The last column describes a stay at Mrs Thompson’s Farm a early boarding house at the base of Bolton where many early visitors stayed.
Edward Bryant’s Map of his ski trails Showing the Long Trail, what is today Raven’s Wind and Heavenly Highway
St. Petersburg Independent 1981 Article Describes the Cutting of Heavenly Highway in the late 1920s and James Moore Tavern the first hostel in the area
Dick Burns letter describing his 1951 “expedition” to Bryant Cabin. Complete with photos!
Gardiner Lane “History of Bolton”, Chapter 6. Describes Edward Bryan’s time at Bolton
1922 Map of Long Trail from Lake Mansfield Trout Club to Bolton
Lost on Bolton Mountain – 1944!
Bryant Lodge sign-in Book 1943-1957
History of Bryant Cabin – A history written by Mary Jo Llewellyn as part of the permitting to renovate Bryant Cabin