VTFP&R and BV Corp to improve drainage on Nordic Trails

VTFP&R and BV Corp to improve drainage on Nordic Trails
At several meetings with VT Forest Parks and Recreation the Bolton Friends emphasized that a priority should be to fix drainage on the Nordic Trails. Irene and subsequent storms created erosion which result in wet trails. This prevented grooming much of the last two seasons. Several representatives of FOBVNBC (Ann Gotham, Jerry Lasky, Hope Crifo, Laureen Gautier, and Liz Hollenbach, former director of the Nordic Center) met with Rob Peterson and Gary Sawyer to review priorities and identify the areas with greatest erosion. As part of VTFP&R leasing the newly acquired portion of the State Forest to BV Corp for use as the touring center, BV Corp will do extensive repairs to upper Broadway Trail. This will include repairing six culverts, trenching, refilling with gravel and planting grass seed. VTFP&R will do similar work on Maple Loop. Additional erosion control work will be done each summer and fall. All trails will be mowed in preparation for grooming. FOBVNBC have expressed that the priority is to fix the Nordic Trails, with the second priority to arrest erosion on Bryant and Gardiner’s Lane and the wet spots on Maple Loop. Clearly this will be a multi-year project. We are tremendously pleased with VTFP&R and BV Corp responsiveness and the speed with which work is being done. To paraphrase the quote from Casablanca, “We think this is the beginning of a beautiful relationship”.